Updated Statistics of the Police Cases

Updated Statistics of the Police Cases registered against Ahmadis on religious grounds, in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to Dec 31, 2022)

Yearly Updated summary of the police cases

Updated Statistics of the Police Cases registered against Ahmadis on religious grounds, in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to Dec 31, 2023)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked for displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”769
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers52
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims636
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets256
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching, etc.952
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of sun & moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘Ek Harf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge to the opponents for prayer duel148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly defiling the Holy Quran85
12Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C322
13Number of named Ahmadis booked in other cases on religious grounds1442
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London charged in cases:2
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah was approximately sixty thousand.) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008 

Updated Statistics of the Police Cases

registered against Ahmadis on religious grounds, in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to December 31, 2022)

NO.Description of casesTotal
1Number of Ahmadis booked for displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”769
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers52
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims565
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets178
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching, etc.881
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of sun & moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘Ek Harf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge to the opponents for prayer duel148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly defiling the Holy Quran85
12Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C322
13Number of named Ahmadis booked in other cases on religious grounds1406
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London charged in cases:2
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is approximately sixty thousand.) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population (approximately 2300) of Kotli, AJK was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008. 
Statistics of other human rights violations
(From 1984 to December 31, 2022, except where mentioned otherwise)
Number of Ahmadis killed                                                                             276
Number of Ahmadis killed this year for faith                                                3
Ahmadis assaulted for their faith                                                                   473
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished or disfigured                           43
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities                            41
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire or damaged                               38
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied                                       18
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred
by the authorities                                                                                            61
Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial                                                           40
Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery                                     80
Ahmadis’ graves desecrated and damaged this year                                      144
Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ houses and shops  55
Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ mosques                111     
The Government of Punjab has banned the entire written works of the founder of Ahmadiyyat as also the publishing of the Qur’an and its translations by Ahmadis.
All open air rallies and conferences of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters town in Pakistan, have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized at the community level have been prohibited by the authorities.
Ahmadiyya daily and periodicals for elders, youth and even children are proscribed by the Punjab Government.
Ahmdiyya schools and colleges have not been returned to the Jamaat despite the government’s general policy to do do.

Updated Statistics of the Police Cases

registered against Ahmadis on religious grounds, in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to Dec 31, 2021)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked for displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”765
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers52
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims514
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets166
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching, etc.881
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of sun & moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘Ek Harf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge to the opponents for prayer duel148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly defiling the Holy Quran74
12Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C321
13Number of named Ahmadis booked in other cases on religious grounds1346
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London charged in cases:2
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is approximately sixty thousand.) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008 
Statistics of other Human Rights violations
((From 1984 to December 31, 2021, except where mentioned otherwise)
Number of Ahmadis killed                                                                      273
Number of Ahmadis target-killed this year                                                 3
Ahmadis assaulted for their faith                                                            462
Number of Ahmadiyya worship places demolished                                     39
Number of Ahmadiyya worship places sealed by the authorities                  40
Number of Ahmadiyya worship places set on fire or damaged                     34
Number of Ahmadiyya worship places forcibly occupied                             18
Number of Ahmadiyya worship places, construction of which was barred
by the authorities                                                                            61
Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial                                                     39
Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery                                   79
Ahmadis’ graves desecrated and damaged this year                                 128
Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ houses and shops 52
Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ worship places      110     
The Government of Punjab has banned the entire written works of the founder of Ahmadiyyat as also the publishing of the Qur’an and its translations by Ahmadis.
All open air rallies and conferences of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters town in Pakistan, have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized at the community level have been prohibited by the authorities.

Updated Statistics of the Police Cases

registered against Ahmadis on religious grounds, in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to Dec 31, 2020)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked for displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”765
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers47
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims484
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching, etc.856
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of sun & moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘Ek Harf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge to the opponents for prayer duel148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly defiling the Holy Quran74
12Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C320
13Number of named Ahmadis booked in other cases on religious grounds1262
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London charged in cases:2
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is approximately sixty thousand.) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008 

Statistics of other Human Rights violations

((From 1984 to December 31, 2020, except where mentioned otherwise)

  • Number of Ahmadis killed                                                                             270
  • Number of Ahmadis target-killed this year                                                    5
  • Ahmadis assaulted for their faith                                                                   400
  • Number of Ahmadiyya worship places demolished                                       30
  • Number of Ahmadiyya worship places sealed by the authorities                  40
  • Number of Ahmadiyya worship places set on fire or damaged                     28
  • Number of Ahmadiyya worship places forcibly occupied                             18
  • Number of Ahmadiyya worship places, construction of which was barred

by the authorities                                                                                            60

  • Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial                                                           39
  • Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery                                     76
  • Ahmadis’ graves desecrated and damaged this year                                      156
  • Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ houses and shops 45
  • Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ worship places      103     

The Government of Punjab has banned the entire written works of the founder of Ahmadiyyat as also the publishing of the Qur’an and its translations by Ahmadis.

All open air rallies and conferences of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters town in Pakistan, have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized at the community level have been prohibited by the authorities.

Updated Statistics of the Police Cases

registered against Ahmadis on religious grounds, in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to Dec 31, 2019)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked for displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”765
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers38
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims453
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching, etc.825
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of sun & moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘Ek Harf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge to the opponents for prayer duel148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly defiling the Holy Quran49
12Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C315
13Number of named Ahmadis booked in other cases on religious grounds1222
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London charged in cases:2
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is approximately sixty thousand.) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008 

Statistics of other Human Rights violations

((From 1984 to December 31, 2019, except where mentioned otherwise)

  • Number of Ahmadis killed                                                                             265
  • Number of Ahmadis target-killed this year                                                    3
  • Ahmadis assaulted for their faith                                                                   393
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished                                                29
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities                            40
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire or damaged                               25
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied                                       17
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred

by the authorities                                                                                            59

  • Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial                                                           39
  • Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery                                     70
  • Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ houses and shops 44
  • Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ mosques                103     

The Government of Punjab has banned the entire written works of the founder of Ahmadiyyat as also the publishing of the Qur’an and its translations by Ahmadis.

All open air rallies and conferences of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters town in Pakistan, have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized at the community level have been prohibited by the authorities.

Updated Statistics of the Police Cases

registered against Ahmadis on religious grounds, in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to Dec 31, 2018)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked for displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”765
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers38
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims447
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching819
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of sun & moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘EkHarf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge to the opponents for prayer duel148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly defiling the Holy Quran46
12Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C315
13Number of named Ahmadis booked in other cases on religious grounds1220
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London2
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is approximately sixty thousand.) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008 

Statistics of other Human Rights violations

((From 1984 to December 31, 2018, except where mentioned otherwise)

  • Number of Ahmadis killed                                                                  262
  • Number of Ahmadis target-killed this year                                             2
  • Ahmadis assaulted for their faith                                                        388
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished                                         28
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities                      39
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire or damaged                         23
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied                                 17
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred

by the authorities                                                                        58

  • Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial                                                  39
  • Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery                               69
  • Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ houses and shops 43
  • Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ mosques             103     

The Government of Punjab has banned the entire written works of the founder of Ahmadiyyat as also the publishing of the Qur’an and its translations by Ahmadis.

All open air rallies and conferences of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters town in Pakistan, have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized at the community level have been prohibited by the authorities.

Updated Statistics of the Police Cases

registered against Ahmadis on religious grounds, in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to Dec 31, 2017)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked for displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”765
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers38
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims447
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching815
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of sun & moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘EkHarf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge to the opponents for prayer duel148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly defiling the Holy Quran46
12Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C307
13Number of named Ahmadis booked in other cases on religious grounds1164
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London2
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is approximately sixty thousand.) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008 

Statistics of other Human Rights violations

(From 1984 to December 31, 2017, except where mentioned otherwise)

  • Number of Ahmadis killed                                                                                         260
  • Number of Ahmadis target-killed this year                                                        4
  • Ahmadis assaulted for their faith                                                                   379
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished                                                    27
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities                                 33
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire or damaged                                    22
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied                                             17
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred

by the authorities                                                                                    58

  • Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial                                                               39
  • Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery                                            66
  • Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ houses and shops              43
  • Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ mosques                         103

The Government of Punjab has banned the entire written works of the founder of Ahmadiyyat as also the publishing of the Qur’an and its translations by Ahmadis.

All open air rallies and conferences of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters town in Pakistan, have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized at the community level have been prohibited by the authorities.

Updated Statistics of the Police Cases

registered against Ahmadis on religious grounds, in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to Dec 31, 2016)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked for displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”765
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers38
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims447
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching806
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of sun & moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘EkHarf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge to the opponents for prayer duel148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly defiling the Holy Quran46
12Number of named Ahmadis booked in other cases on religious grounds1087
13Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C303
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London2
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is approximately sixty thousand.) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008 

Statistics of other Human Rights violations

(From 1984 to December 31, 2015, except where mentioned otherwise)

  • Number of Ahmadis killed (including two from Islamabad in 2014)                        256
  • Number of Ahmadis target-killed this year                                                                6
  • Ahmadis assaulted for their faith (including those in Jhelum chipboard factory)     377
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished                                                            27
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities                                        33
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire or damaged                                           21
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied                                                   17
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred

by the authorities                                                                                                        54

  • Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial                                                                       39
  • Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery                                                 65
  • Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ houses and shops              43
  • Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ mosques                            103

The Government of Punjab has banned the entire written works of the founder of Ahmadiyyat as also the publishing of the Qur’an and its translations by Ahmadis.

All open air rallies and conferences of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters town in Pakistan, have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized at the community level have been prohibited by the authorities.

Updated Statistics of the Police Cases

registered against Ahmadis on religious grounds, in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to Dec 31, 2015)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked for displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”765
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers38
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims447
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching797
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of sun & moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘EkHarf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge to the opponents for prayer duel148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly defiling the Holy Quran46
12Number of named Ahmadis booked in other cases on religious grounds1076
13Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C303
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London2
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is approximately sixty thousand.) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008 

Statistics of other Human Rights violations

(From 1984 to December 31, 2015, except where mentioned otherwise)

  • Number of Ahmadis killed                                                                                         248
  • Number of Ahmadis target-killed this year                                                                2
  • Ahmadis assaulted for their faith                                                                               323
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished                                                            27
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities                                        32
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire or damaged                                           20
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied                                                   16
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred

by the authorities                                                                                                        52

  • Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial                                                                       39
  • Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery                                                 65
  • Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ houses and shops              43
  • Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ mosques                            102

The Government of Punjab has banned the entire written works of the founder of Ahmadiyyat as also the publishing of the Qur’an and its translations by Ahmadis.

All open air rallies and conferences of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters town in Pakistan, have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized at the community level have been prohibited by the authorities.

Updated Statistics of the Police Cases

registered against Ahmadis on religious grounds, in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to Dec 31, 2014)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked for displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”765
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers38
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims447
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching796
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of sun & moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘EkHarf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge to the opponents for prayer duel148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly defiling the Holy Quran45
12Various other cases against Ahmadis on religious grounds1065
13Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C303
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London2
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is approximately sixty thousand.) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008 

Statistics of other Human Rights violations

(From 1984 to December 31, 2014, except where mentioned otherwise)

  • Number of Ahmadis killed                                                                                         246
  • Number of Ahmadis target-killed this year so far                                                      11
  • Ahmadis assaulted for their faith                                                                               317
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished                                                            27
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities                                        31
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire or damaged                                           18
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied                                                   16
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred

by the authorities                                                                                                       52

  • Worship forbidden in prayer centers in year 2014                                                      2
  • Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial                                                                       39
  • Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery                                                 65
  • Number of incidents of Kalima removal from Ahmadis’ houses and shops              41

All open air rallies and conferences of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters town in Pakistan, have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized at the community level have been prohibited by the authorities.

Updated Statistics of the Police Cases

registered against Ahmadis on religious grounds, in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to Dec 31, 2013)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked for displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”765
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers38
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims447
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching776
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of sun & moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘EkHarf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge to the opponents for prayer duel148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly defiling the Holy Quran29
12Various other cases against Ahmadis on religious grounds1065
13Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C299
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London2
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is more than sixty thousand) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008 

Statistics of other Human Rights violations

(From 1984 to December 31, 2013, except where mentioned otherwise)

  • Number of Ahmadis killed                                                                                            233
  • Ahmadis assaulted for their faith                                                                                   193
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished
  •                                                                                                                         27
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques damaged or disfigured in  year 2013                              3
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities                                   31
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire                                                        13
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques desecrated in year 2013                                    5
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied                                             16
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred by the authorities       49
  • Worship forbidden in prayer centers in year 2013                                               2
  • Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial                                                               37
  • Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery                                           61

All open air rallies and conferences of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters town in Pakistan, have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized by the Community have been prohibited by the authorities.

Updated Statistics of the Police Cases

registered against Ahmadis in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to Dec 31, 2012)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked for displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”764
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers38
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims447
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching747
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of sun & moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘EkHarf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge to the opponents for prayer duel148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly defiling the Holy Quran29
12Various other cases against Ahmadis on religious grounds1065
13Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C299
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London2
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is more than sixty thousand) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008 

Statistics of other Human Rights violations

(from 1984 to Dec 31, 2012)

  • Number of Ahmadis killed                                                                                226
  • Ahmadis assaulted for their faith                                                                       175
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished                                                      24
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities                                   28
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire                                                        13
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied                                             16
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred by the authorities      46
  • Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial                                                               35
  • Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery                                           58

All rallies and conferences of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters town in Pakistan, large or small have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized by the Community have been prohibited by the authorities.

Updated Statistics of the Police Cases

registered against Ahmadis in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to Dec 31, 2011)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked for displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”764
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers38
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims435
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching724
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of sun &moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘EkHarf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge to the opponents for prayer duel148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly defiling the Holy Quran28
12Various other cases against Ahmadis on religious grounds1008
13Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C299
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London2
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is more than sixty thousand) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008 

Statistics of other H.R. violations

(from 1984 to Dec 31, 2011)

  • Number of Ahmadis killed                                                                                207
  • Number of attempts of murder upon Ahmadis                                                    234
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished                                                      23
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities                                   28
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire                                                        12
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied                                             16
  • Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred by

the authorities                                                                                                  42

  • Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial                                                               29
  • Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery                                           54                   

All rallies and conferences of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters town in Pakistan, large or small have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized by the Community have been prohibited by the authorities.

Updated statistics of the Police Cases registered against Ahmadis in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to 31 Dec 2010)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”764
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers38
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims434
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching724
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of Sun & Moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘EkHarf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge thrown to the opponents for spiritual contest through prayers148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly burning the Holy Quran27
12Various other cases against Ahmadis on religious grounds978
13Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C298
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London1
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is more than sixty thousand) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008 

Statistics of other H.R. violations

Number of Ahmadis killed from 1984 to 31 Dec 2010202
Number of attempts of murder upon Ahmadis till 31 Dec 2010234
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished22
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities28
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire12
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied15
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred by the authorities42
Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial29
Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery51

All kinds of meetings of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan, have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized by the Community have been prohibited by the authorities. In 2008, a championship scheduled by Pakistan Amateur Basketball Association was disallowed by the authorities.

Updated statistics of the Police Cases registered against Ahmadis in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to 31 Dec 2009)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”764
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers38
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims434
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching719
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of Sun & Moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘EkHarf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge thrown to the opponents for spiritual contest through prayers148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly burning the Holy Quran27
12Various other cases against Ahmadis on religious grounds938
13Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C295
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases.16
15Present Supreme Head of the Community while living in London1
16The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is more than sixty thousand) 
17A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, was registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque in 2008 

Summary of other violations

Number of Ahmadis killed from 1984 to 31 Dec 2009105
Number of attempts of murder upon Ahmadis till Dec 2009120
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished22
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities28
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire11
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied14
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred by the authorities41
Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial28
Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery47

All kinds of meetings of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan, large or small have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized by the Community have been prohibited by the authorities. In 2008, a championship scheduled by Pakistan Amateur Basketball Association was disallowed by the authorities.

Updated statistics of the Police Cases registered against Ahmadis in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to 31 Dec 2008)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”756
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers37
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims434
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching679
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of Sun & Moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘EkHarf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge thrown to the opponents for spiritual contest through prayers148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly burning the Holy Quran27
12Various other cases against Ahmadis on religious grounds922
13Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C258
14Former Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence in sixteen cases. One case was registered against the present Supreme Head in absentia under the blasphemy and Ahmadi-specific law.17
15The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989, and again in 2008 on June 8, 2008. (Population of Rabwah is more than 60 thousand) 
16A case against the entire Ahmadi population of Ahmadis in Kotli, is registered for taking up repairs and improvement in their mosque. 

Summary of other violations

Number of Ahmadis killed from 1984 to 31 Dec 200894
Number of attempts of murder upon Ahmadis till Dec 2008108
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished21
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities26
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire11
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied14
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred by the authorities38
Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial28
Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery41

All kinds of meetings of Ahmadis in Rabwah, the Ahmadiyya headquarters in Pakistan, large or small have been under a ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized by the Community have been prohibited by the authorities. In 2008, a championship scheduled by Pakistan Amateur Basketball Association was disallowed by the authorities.

Updated statistics of the Police Cases registered against Ahmadis in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to 31 Dec 2007)

No.Description of the casesTotal Number of Cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”.756
2.Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers37
3.Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims405
4.Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5.Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6.Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching628
7.Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 1989.27
8.Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of Sun & Moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9.Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘EkHarf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance (PPC 298-B/C)27
10.Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge thrown to the opponents for spiritual contest through prayers148
11.Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly burning the Holy Quran26
12.Various other cases against Ahmadis on religious grounds922
13.Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C236
14.Ex-Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence under PPC 298-C, i.e. Anti Ahmadiyya Laws and other religious laws17
15.The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya Headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989. (Population of Rabwah is more than 45 thousand)

Summary of other events

Number of Ahmadis killed from 1984 to Dec 200787
Number of attempts of murder upon Ahmadis till Dec 2007106
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished20
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities25
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire11
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied14
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred by the authorities35
Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial in the cemetery27
Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery39

All kind of meetings of Ahmadis in Rabwah, i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters, large or limited have been under a strict ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized by the Community have been prohibited by the authorities.

Updated statistics of the Police Cases registered against Ahmadis in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to 31 Dec 2006)

NO.Description of casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked displaying Kalima, i.e. “There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”.756
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers37
3Number of Ahmadis booked for ‘posing’ as Muslims404
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching602
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 198927
8Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of Sun & Moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘EkHarf-e-Nasihana’ i.e. ‘A Word of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance (PPC 298-B/C)27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge thrown to the opponents for spiritual contest through prayers148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly burning the Holy Quran22
12Various other cases against Ahmadis on religious grounds909
13Number of Ahmadis charged under the “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. PPC 295-C229
14Ex-Supreme Head of the Community while living in London was charged in his absence under PPC 298-C, i.e. Anti Ahmadiyya Laws and other religious laws. Also a case under the Blasphemy and Ahmadi-specific laws was registered in absentia against the present Khalifa-tul-Masih.17
15The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya Headquarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989. (Population of Rabwah is more than 45 thousand) 

Summary of other events

Number of Ahmadis killed from 1984 to Dec 200683
Number of attempts of murder upon Ahmadis till Dec 2006106
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished20
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities25
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire11
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied14
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which was barred by the authorities35
Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial in the cemetery26
Burial of Ahmadis was denied in common cemetery37

All kind of meetings of Ahmadis in Rabwah, i.e. Ahmadiyya headquarters, large or small have been under a strict ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized by the Community have been prohibited by the authorities.

Updated statistics of the Police Cases registered against Ahmadis in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to 31 Dec 2005)

NODescription of the casesTotal number of cases
1Number of Ahmadis booked displaying Kalima, i.e. “there is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”756
2Number of Ahmadis booked for calling Azan, call to prayers.37
3Number of Ahmadis booked for posing as Muslims.404
4Number of Ahmadis booked for using Islamic epithets.161
5Number of Ahmadis booked for offering prayers.93
6Number of Ahmadis booked for preaching.602
7Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary in 1989.27
8Number f Ahmadis booked for celebrating 100 years’ anniversary of the eclipses of Sun & Moon that occurred in 1894 as a sign for the Promised Mahdi, i.e. Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community.50
9Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing a pamphlet ‘EkHarff-e-Nasihana’ i.e. A Piece of Advice’ commenting upon anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX (PPC 298-B/C)27
10Number of Ahmadis booked for distributing “Mubahala” pamphlet, i.e. A challenge thrown to the opponents for spiritual contest of prayers.148
11Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly burning the Holy Quran22
12Various other cases against Ahmadis on religious grounds909
13Number of Ahmadis charged under “Blasphemy Law”, i.e. 295-C.229
14Ex-Supreme Head of the Community living in London was charged in his absence under Anti Ahmadiyya Laws17
15The entire population of Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya Head Quarters in Pakistan was charged under section PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989. (Population of Rabwah is more than 45 thousand) 

Summary of other events

Number of Ahmadis killed from 1984 to Dec 200579
Number of attempts of murder upon Ahmadis till Dec 2005104
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques demolished18
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities25
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques set on fire10
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques forcibly occupied13
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques, construction of which were barred by the authorities34
Ahmadis’ bodies exhumed after burial in the cemetery25
Burial of Ahmadis was denied in the cemetery35

All kind of meetings of Ahmadis in Rabwah, i.e. Ahmadiyya Headquarters, large or limited have been under a strict ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of anti-Ahmadiyya ordinance. Even sports events organized by the Community have been prohibited by the authorities.

Updated statistics of the Police Cases registered against Ahmadis in Pakistan

(Data for these years not placed here)

Updated statistics of the Police Cases registered against Ahmadis in Pakistan

(From April 1984 to 31 Dec 1998)

No.Description of CasesNumberMaximum Punishment Prescribed
1.     2.     3.     4.     5.     6.     7.         8         9  Number of Ahmadis booked for posing as Muslims   Number of Ahmadis booked for praying   Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating Ahmadiyya Centenary   Number of Ahmadis booked for celebrating centenary of the eclipses of Sun and Moon   Number of Ahmadis booked for allegedly burning the holy Quran   Number of Ahmadis charged under Blasphemy Law, PPC 295-C   The entire Ahmadi population of Rabwah, i.e. Ahmadiyya Headquarters in Pakistan was charged under PPC 298-C on 15-12-1989.   Supreme Head of the Community currently living in London has been charged in his absence in cases under PPC 298-C, i.e. Anti Ahmadiyya Laws and PPC 295-C       Others    378     93       27       50   10     186   Approxi- Mately 35000 persons     17         1612Three years imprisonment     Three years imprisonment       Three years imprisonment       Three years imprisonment   Life Imprisonment     Mandatory death punishment, fine     Three years imprisonment     Death           Various      

Summery of other Events

Number of Ahmadis killed during 1974-199867
Number of Ahmadis killed during 1984-199836
Number of attempts of murder upon Ahmadis during 1984-199880
Number of Ahmadiyya Mosque demolished9
Number of Ahmadiyya mosques sealed by the authorities15
Number of Ahmadiyya Mosques set on fire            8
Number of Ahmadiyya Mosques forcibly occupied7
Number of Ahmadiyya Mosques, construction of which was barred by the authorities14
Ahmadis bodies  exhumed after burial in the cemetery16
Burial of  Ahmadis  denied in the common cemetery30

All kind of gatherings of Ahmadis in Rabwah i.e. Ahmadiyya Headquarters, large or limited have been under a strict ban since April 1984 after the promulgation of Anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance. The authorities have prohibited even the sports events organized by the Community.